You desire more for your family.

Your Family Protected Strengthened Consecrated

The future of humanity passes by way of the family.

– Pope Saint John Paul II


John Paul II was right. Families are the future. But many families are falling apart in today’s culture. You’re fighting a constant battle to keep God at the center of your family life – and to keep your children Catholic.

Family Consecration is a way of life for your family to intentionally live out your baptismal promises and to stay rooted in the Catholic Faith.

Your family can experience the peace, joy, and fruitfulness of a balanced and God-centered family life.

Catholic Family Vacations

Youth & Adult Retreats

Serving With the AFC

Family Consecration

Catholic Resources

Support Us

We’re Missionaries for Family Renewal.

The Apostolate for Family Consecration (AFC) supports and challenges Catholic families to grow together in holiness and truth, so that they can become fully alive in Christ.

Inspired by Pope Saint John Paul II and Our Lady’s Fatima message, the AFC promotes Family Consecration to Jesus, through Mary, in union with St. Joseph.

Families following the AFC way of life defy the odds in today’s culture. Parents are blessed to see most (if not all) of their children remain active in the Catholic Church as adults, with many discerning calls to the priesthood and religious life.

Who Supports the Apostolate for Family Consecration

Francis Cardinal Arinze

Advisory Council Member

Prefect emeritus of the Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

Raymond Cardinal Burke

Advisory Council Member

Member, Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura

Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC

Advisory Council Member

Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary

A Simple Path To

Consecrate Your Family


Prepare Your Family

We guide you through the basics of Family Consecration through short reflections and family activities.


Make Your Consecration

We provide you the Family Consecration prayer and offer a kit to enthrone the Holy Family of Fatima in your home.


Live With Joy

We show you the Seven Keys pathway to center your daily family life on God in a simple, joyful, and balanced way.

Get the guide to Family Consecration.

See it in action at Catholic Familyland®!

“My daughter in religious life had written to all the kids, because the sisters were wondering how come none of her siblings had left the faith. They all said it was because of Catholic Familyland®.”

– Rosemary, Holy Family Fest attendee

Your Family Can Become a Holy Family

To Jesus, through Mary, in union with St. Joseph.